Knowledge concept and understanding vis a vis Vidya.

Knowledge concept and understanding vis a vis Vidya.

Etymologically the word knowledge is drives from Middle English (1150-1500) word knowleche. Know means “to find out” and leche “means” acknowledge. Therefore from etymological meaning knowledge is based on evidence.

According to, “Oxford dictionary”, facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education and the theoretical and practical understanding of subject is called knowledge. Generally knowledge is a type of belief in something true. The study of knowledge in philosophy is called epistemology and great philosopher of history Plato defined knowledge as “justified true belief”. Some modern philosophers are not agreeing with his statement. However many definition of knowledge and theories are in the favour of Plato.

The term used in Sanskrit for knowledge is vidya which means knowledge. In Indian philosophy vidya means knowledge learning and science. Sharing knowledge is one of the biggest ‘daan’ in Hinduism and us known as vidya daanThe opposite word of vidya is avidya means ignorance or misinformation.

According to Hindu beliefs Sarasvati is goddess of vidya. She has spiritual energy which uplifts, empowers and purifies the individual. Sarvasvti is also known for goddess of wisdom, music, art and learning.
In Hindu philosophy , knowledge refers to study of six schools of Hindu philosophy
  1. Nyana
  2. Yoga
  3. Vaisheshika
  4. Samkhya
  5. Purvamimamsa
  6. Uttaramimamsa

Hierarchy of knowledge according to Upanishad.

There are two type of knowledge are describe below one by one.
  1. Para vidya: Para vidya means higher learning. Learning related to self and ultimate truth. It is that kind of vidya through which one can know his atma and realization of supreme reality.
  2. Apara vidya: Apara vidya means lower knowledge that is based on textual knowledge, grammar, astrology, the code of rituals. Knowledge of world comes under apara vidya.

Western and Indian approach for education is almost same in many aspects.


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