
Knowledge concept and understanding vis a vis Vidya.

Knowledge concept and understanding vis a vis Vidya . Etymologically the word knowledge is drives from Middle English (1150-1500) word knowleche . Know means “to find out” and leche “means” acknowledge. Therefore from etymological meaning knowledge is based on evidence. According to, “Oxford dictionary”, facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education and the theoretical and practical understanding of subject is called knowledge.  Generally knowledge is a type of belief in something true. The study of knowledge in philosophy is called epistemology and great philosopher of history Plato defined knowledge as “justified true belief”. Some modern philosophers are not agreeing with his statement. However many definition of knowledge and theories are in the favour of Plato. The term used in Sanskrit for knowledge is vidya which means knowledge. In Indian philosophy vidya means knowledge learning and science. Sharing knowledge is one of the biggest

Lesson Planning

Following are the points which helps you to improve skills in lesson planning.  HINTS TO PLAN A LESSON  .       State the objective of your lesson according to the contents which you are going to deliver.           Some working link should be established between the past knowledge and present topic.           Selected subject matter should be organised under significant points.           Lesson plan should indicate the nature of activities to be carried out in the class room while delivering the lesson.          It should clearly state the tolls and techniques to be used in the classroom.          B.B. work and the assignments to be given to the students should be mentioned in the lesson plan.         Evaluation procedure for students output should also be indicated in the lesson plan.     Before writing the lesson plan fill in the identification data. ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF GOOD LESSON PLAN (DO’S)  1.      Lesson plan should be drafted properly in a legibl

Culture meaning and Its Elements

Culture A culture is a way of life of group of people the behaviours, beliefs, values and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them and that are passed along by communication from one generation to next. Simply we can say that culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, language, religion, social habits, music and arts. Meaning of culture Etymology:  Culture is derived from Latin word ‘Cultura’ and its meaning is cultivating, tilling, maintaining and tending to. E B Taylor: “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society. The Cambridge English Dictionary: “Culture is the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, particular group of people at a particular time.”   Mahatma Gandhi: “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” Wendell Pierce: “Cultu

Achievement Test

Achievement test Achievement test is tool for teachers for evaluation of students in school situation. With the help of achievement test we can measure the amount of success of an individual in specific field. In school environment it is used as an instrument to measure success of an individual in particular subject or group of subjects. It gives the knowledge about what an individual acquire by testing his abilities. Definitions Achievement test is the tool which helps in measures the capacities and capabilities of an individual. It is also helpful in upgrading the standard of education in an energetic way so that the individual can see with their own eyes that what they achieve by their past learning. Some of the definitions of achievement test are given below. According to Waters, “Achievement test act as useful aids in diagnosing the student’s specific learning needs for identifying his relative strengths and weaknesses”. According to Super, “An achievement tes